April 2, 2016

A Touch of Warmth

A Touch of Warmth, 8 by 10 inches, oil
Warmth is always from the heart, it can seldom be faked. Just like the light from the sun. When you experience it from a stranger, it does wonders to one's soul and I recently experienced it.
Relocated to Oman just yesterday, guess what, all my oil paints were detected by the scanner and thrown out!


  1. This is so beautiful Padmaja! Lovely colors and awesome texture!! I'm so sorry that your oil paints was taken away!!!!
    thats so upsetting!!

  2. What !!! They threw your paintings away ? Why would they do that and is that legal ?? This one is beautiful and filled with warmth , beautiful texture , rocks and flow of the water. Great work !

  3. Bright and reflecting light so beautiful! I love the hints of violets in the shadows on the rocks in the foreground. What's with throwing oil paints away? Are their scanners not good enough to detect oil paint from threatening materials? Seems a little over the top. I'm sorry. An expensive price to pay while relocating, Padmaja.

  4. The colors in this one are very beautiful and what a great composition.
    May your move to Oman be a happy and productive time for you, dear Padmaja.
    Thats a bummer about the paints - they didn't give you the opportunity to mail them? It happened to me once and I had time to find a way to mail them. I have carried the same empty box to the airport ever since. Just saying in case it could help someone.

  5. Oh no but how can oil paints be dangerous... I am sure you can buy more :)

    lovely painting mam


  6. Cool blues in a warm painting :) well done again! So sorry about your paints -I thought one could carry gels and liquids up to 3 ozs..no? :(

  7. nice thought and painting. Sorry about the paints being thrown out.... will remember never to carry them in the cabin! nice progress...visiting after some time

  8. Beautiful live water and water drops. Thank you so much for the info about the paints and there conflict with planes. Sorry for this loss of little friends, but now you can try something new, tempera, acrylics maybe.

  9. The colours are as usual awesome. Sorry about your paints. My watercolors also come up in the scanner. At times have a tough time convincing the airline staff that they are harmless waters.

  10. Oh no! why would they throw out your paints? will you be in Oman long?
    I can feel the waters splashing around and the warmth. I love your horizon line. Hope you can get some new paints and continue to paint in Oman.

  11. Oh no! why would they throw out your paints? will you be in Oman long?
    I can feel the waters splashing around and the warmth. I love your horizon line. Hope you can get some new paints and continue to paint in Oman.

  12. Long time no see... All is good I guess.. And a beautiful painting again!

  13. Beautiful color! So sorry about your paint.

  14. Absolutely gorgeous! I admire and appreciate your talent. :)


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