March 4, 2015

Listening to the birds

Freedom, 8 by 8 inches, acrylic
Gently in my hands, 8 by 8 inches, acrylic
Just thought of taking a small break from what I have been painting and try new. I think it is the best way to rejuvenate and bounce back with fresh perspective. So I have been doing some figurative this week, the ideas have been on my sketch book for quite long and so got them out. Started off with the time spent time with the doves at my home in Oman, the ones that kept me company for days and months! Listening to the birds is a great way to heal, it does help really!


  1. The backdrop of dark and vibrant colors accentuates the beauty of dove in white.

  2. The beautiful rich colors are absolutely perfect Padmaja. I love the girl holding the white bird....Wonderful work!!

  3. I love that you can work in more than one style, Padmaja. And everything you do is beautiful! Oh for the healing!

  4. I agree with you Padmaja, listening to and looking at birds is so soothing . Love the creativity of these two paintings, great subjects and beautifully painted .

  5. So timeless and beautiful, these are most definitely my favourite!! Love those eyes, the warm colours, gorgeous!

  6. The range of your subjects is just amazing. Probably that is what makes it interesting. Great work.

  7. the colors and figures are so expressive!!! I like the rhythm I see in the paintings :)

  8. These are absolutely beautiful, Padmaja. I really like doves and your figures always grab my eye. It has something to do with the economy of shapes that you use. Just love these!

  9. Pretty colors and a lovely painting.

  10. I am always fascinated by your faces. Their shape and color draws me right into the painting.

  11. I am always fascinated by your faces. Their shape and color draws me right into the painting.

  12. These are brilliant! I love them, I would happily hang them on my walls. When complimenting art, it's hard not to sound as though one is exaggerating, but these really are gorgeous. I like everything about them.


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